Monday, January 17, 2011

The Architectural Cycle - From the Romanesque Tournai Cathedral to Todays Modern Architecture of Norman Foster and much more...

The Architectural Cycle - From the Romanesque Tournai Cathedral to Todays Modern Architecture of Norman Foster and much more...

In this cycle about architecture, we shall explore each architectonical style. The importance of knowing and orientating inbetween the rigged paths of architecture, is key to the understanding of our very own civlization. Each architectonical style being a reflection of its time...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Moment for Poetry 1# - V. Zdeněk

Hloupé podstaty marných snů
Jež skula dohromady strachem z ocele
Tupá představa že z nocí naděláme dnů
A že před stíny utečeme vesele

Jako krtci, co leží na znak v hlubinách
Budeme se plazit a vařit jídla z červů
Tiše v norách snít o božských malinách
A plést si roucho ze života z nervů

A pak v hořké slzy kroupějemi
Nasázíme výsměch, hněv a strach
Přeháněje naše citové věmy,
Budem se bát i překročit náš práh

A až jednou do té naší nory
Vlétne světluška co září do šera
Nastražíme pasti, zaženem jí do komory
Hnáni strachem, napasem se jako divá příšera

A tak hnáni strachem z nesvobody
Zabijeme všechnu naší nadějí
Zapomeneme na sladké plody
A než připustit si zášť my usnem raději

16th November 2010

18. 11. 2010
I remember, that it was just yesterday that we celebrated the 21st anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. Some people celebrated it less, some celebrated it more intensively.

With the topic of the Velvet Revolution however, there are a few terms directly or indirectly connected to it. Words such as Samizdat, Love, Truth, Regime, Censorship, Dissent and so on. And it was the day before the 17th November 2010 that reminded me of another very important term. This term is "UNDERGROUND".

On the 16th of November an interesting event took place in a club called Jet, which is located near the Husinecká tram station in Žižkov. It was a concert of 4 local student bands. Students of different high schools gathered around this magical place which surely Jet is. For someone who has never been there, it is the kind of club with wooden floor and a basement with a little stage. It looks very dirty both upstairs and downstairs and when a show begins one can hardly hope to be able to breathe fresh air while walking down the stairs, nearing the melting pot of the generation that still quite has not the legal right to vote.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Book Review: Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape our Decisions (Wiki - Amazon) by Dan Ariely explores behavioral economics, an overlooked, underestimated and not well understood area of economics. Using social experiments, it demonstrates how human beings act predictably irrationally in numerous situations in real life, challenging not only the reader’s view of his own rational life, but also the very foundations that our economic system is based on.